Monday, August 11, 2014

Mrs. Gilman's Take A BOOK On Vacation Picture

Wow has time gotten away from me! I've been hard at work in the HES Media Center getting it all set up for the new school year! It is looking really good! There are some great books that are in boxes waiting to be processed for this school year! I'm espceally excited to share the Maryland Black-Eyed Susan Award Nominees. There are some great titles for Kindergarten through Third Grade and Fourth Grade through Fifth Grade. I have read all of the books and they are some really good choices this year.

Mrs. Gilman took some time to go on vacation with her family to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. While there, Mrs. Gilman and her family had a lot of great family time on the beach. Mrs. Gilman made sure that she brought a fun beach read with her. Her dad was even got in her Take A BOOK On Vacation picture! Myrtle Beach is about 438 miles away from Hollywood Elementary School.

Stay tuned I've got even more Take A BOOK On Vacation Pictures coming up this week!

Happy Reading!!

Miss Hazuda (@HESMediaCenter)

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