Sunday, January 12, 2014

Have I Got A Book For You: The Gollywhopper Games

This book review was completed by Chloe in 5th Grade.

Title of Book:  The Gollywhopper Games

Author:  Jody Feldman

Summary:  Twelve year old Gill has a chance, a once in a lifetime chance, to redeem his family name be winning The Gollywhopper Games!  This compitation is at the toy factory Gill's dad used to work at, until his is accused of stealing.  This is why Gill must compete in The Gollywhopper Games.

Reasons I liked the book:  I like this book because it is action packed, full of adventure, and also it is always a mystery about what will happen next.

I would give this book 10 stars!!

I LOVE this book too!  It has been a favorite of mine for a while.  It makes me so happy when students love certain books as much as I do!  I was thrilled to learn that there will be a Gollywhopper Games sequel coming out in 2014!

Happy Reading!!

Miss Hazuda


  1. Hi Chloe!
    I'm so glad you liked The Gollywhpper Games! I'm especially happy you liked the element of mystery. I've always been a huge mystery fan, so I like to put at least a little of that into everything I write.

    Miss Hazuda is right. The Gollywhopper Games: The New Champion is coming out in April. After that The Gollywhopper Games: Friend or Foe will be here in 2015.

    Meanwhile, I hope you find many, many other great books to love.

    Keep reading!
    Jody Feldman

  2. Hello Ms. Feldman,
    This is Chloe Cable...
    It was so awesome to hear from Miss Hazuda that you commented on my review, I never would have thought that the author of the Gollywhopper Games would notice me!!! Thank you so much! I look forward to reading the other books!

  3. Hi Chloe!
    When you take time and effort to do something right, people may not always notice you out loud, but they usually notice silently. I'm so happy I saw this and had the chance to notice out loud. Keep smiling that smile!
    Jody Feldman
