Tuesday, February 17, 2015


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Happy Snow Day! I hope everyone is enjoying their snow day! I know that I enjoyed sleeping in, but I'm not enjoying the shoveling! Once you have had some fun time out playing in the snow, there are lots of great things to do as you warm back up.

My first choice would be curling up with a great book. You can see some of my favorite snow books right below. All of these are available as a Kindle download if you have access to app.

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One of my favorite things to do when I was growing up was to make snowflakes. Here is a link to some printable snowflake templates. Now if you don't want to have to pick up all of the little pieces of paper, you could always make a snowflake online. I spent a lot of time here after I found this site. I'm just amazed at the gallery! Or if you are a Pinterest fan check out the It's All About the Snow page for a ton of activities!

Let me know what you guys are doing on your snow day in the comments!

Happy Reading!!

Miss Hazuda (@HESMediaCenter)

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