I was thrilled at the end of last week to get my first Take A BOOK On Vacation pictures from a student. These pictures come from Austin B., who is an incoming First Grade student. Austin and his family traveled to Binghamton New York, which is 353 miles from Hollywood Elementary School.
While in New York Austin and his family visited The Discovery Center of the Southern Tier. Click here for a link to their website. This looks like such a fun place to visit! I'm going to have to add it to my list of places to visit whenever I make it to New York!
Austin is reading one of my favorite Dr. Seuss books, Horton Hatches The Egg. Click here for a summary on Goodreads. If you haven't read this classic from Dr. Seuss, I recommend picking it up from the public library!
Thank you to Austin and his dad for participating in the Take A BOOK On Vacation program. Keep checking back during this week, because I will be posting more student pictures and a two special pictures from a staff member!
Happy Reading!!
Miss Hazuda
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