Monday, January 4, 2016

Happy 2016!!

I still can't believe that it is already 2016! I don't know where the fall has gone! The first half of the year went by in so fast, I feel behind on posting on this site. Well, that will be changing! I will be trying to have a new post up twice a week. I'm also going to try and get the students a little more involved in the blog. There will be more to come about this in a later post. I'll also be tweeting out when I've posted.

The first post for this week will be up tomorrow. It is all about Animals in Winter. The topic seemed a timely one since the temperature is going to be dipping down quite low!

I hope everyone had a great winter break and got a lot of reading done. I took a break from reading kids books to read some grown up books this break. If you read any great titles over break please post them in the comments so we can all get new suggestions.

Happy Reading!! 

Miss Hazuda (@HESMediaCenter) 

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