It has been a while since I've posted anything on here. With Book Fair at the end of April, it has been a nonstop roller coaster. It is hard to believe that we have just a few weeks left of school! I'm going to be posting quite a bit in the next few weeks because we have a lot of activities happening and being introduced.
One of the nominated books for the Maryland Black-Eyed Susan Book Award is Perfect Square by Michael Hall. Click here for a summary on Goodreads. I just loved this book! It's a very fast read, but the kids have fallen in love with it. After reading it and see what things the square could be made into, I gave each student a square. I told them that they could cut, tear, rip, crinkle, wrinkle, or whatever they wanted to do to change their square into something else. I gave them glue, so they could put the pieces together. Then, if they wanted, they could get a piece of paper to mount it on. After they finished, I let them use crayons to add details, if they wanted.
I was amazed at how creative my Kindergarten students were with this activity! I wanted to show off a few of their creations. I used a tech tool called Animoto. It is a really neat tool to share photo or illustrations. There is a free version, all you have to do is set up an account. You can email the "movies" or embed them like I have done here. Hope you enjoy them.
Keep checking back for updated information.
Happy Reading!!
Miss Hazuda