Wednesday, May 27, 2015

May 28th is Library Spirit Night
Hope to see everyone at Hollywood Elementary School's Library Spirit Night at the Leonardtown Public Library tomorrow night, May 28th from 4:30-6:30pm. We have always had a great turn out and a lot of fun. So come out and join us! 

There will be an opportunity for students to sign up for the summer reading program, some crafts, a chance for HES students to enter a raffle, an opportunity for students to sign up for a library card and of course there can be lots of books checked out. Mrs. Bulvin and I will be there, so come out and visit us! We will be more than happy to help pick out some of those books. 

Even if you won't be at our school next year, you can still come sign up for the summer program.

Miss Hazuda (@HESMediaCenter)