reading this summer. She loves to sit out there with her dog and a good book! It is a very relaxing place and a great place to read! Her house is about 5 miles away from HES!
I also stayed around St. Mary's this summer. I really took it easy, so it was nice and relaxing! I spent most of my time reading and researching my family history. (Just so you know, it is not as easy as the commercial for makes it seem.) I stayed home reading a lot of the time, but some mornings I went across the bridge and went into Solomon's. I had breakfast at Roy Rogers and then went and found a bench on the boardwalk. I sat and read and read and read. I would bring a few books with me. It was very relaxing and I got to be outside. Solomon's Island is about 9 miles away from Hollywood Elementary School.
I've got three more Take A BOOK On Vacation pictures that will be shared on the blog this week! If you haven't sent in your pictures, there is still time.
Happy Reading!!
Miss Hazuda (@HESMediaCenter)